My gateway to worldwide recycling - your online portal.

You can enter all of your recycling orders centrally at any time. Municipal collection orders are entered by RENE AG staff.
You login by using your personal access code and can place worldwide orders. Using a master login, you are also able to involve colleagues, service providers and even customers in your account.
RENE AG takes in the orders, qualifies the requirements directly with the worldwide pick-up locations and allocates the orders to our local logistics and recycling service providers.
Throughout the entire process you have visibility upon the status of each orders. A strict KPI-management is the basis for an efficient and seamless order execution. On request, we send the KPI-table to you by a daily e-mail update message.
After the order termination you find all relevant documents (delivery notes, weighing notes, certificates of destruction) within your portal. Additionally, you have access to the recycling rate reports for all countries.
Here we go: