Great Britain – an open system with flexible possibilities.
RENE Compliance Scheme Great Britain

Since the end of February 2007 RENE AG is an officially approved take-back system in Great-Britain for WEEE and for small battery producers (RENE licence number WEE/XP3038PN/SCH). Our compliance scheme is an open system. This means, all producers from the areas of B2B or B2C can take part. Producers without local entity in Great Britain can take over their responsibilities for their importers and distributors through RENE AG.
For B2B-pick ups we determine fees for the administration, logistic and recycling according to the “pay as you scrap”-method. For the B2C-devices we calculate an annual upfront fee, which is based on the actual obligations allocated by the UK Environment Agency.
In each case, the client only has to carry the costs that really have incurred. The compliance periods in Great Britain always equal one calendar year. The next possibility to change the scheme is 1st October.
RENE AG Great Britain
5, St. John’s Lane
London EC1M 4BH
e-mail: uk@rene-europe.com